
Client Settings

Additional flags may be passed to pymongo.MongoClient using the OPTIONS dictionary:

    'default' : {
        'ENGINE' : 'django_mongodb_engine',
        'NAME' : 'my_database',
        'OPTIONS' : {
            'socketTimeoutMS' : 500,

All of these settings directly mirror PyMongo settings. In fact, all Django MongoDB Engine does is lower-casing the names before passing the flags to MongoClient. For a list of possible options head over to the PyMongo documentation on client options.

Acknowledged Operations

Use the OPERATIONS dict to specify extra flags passed to, update() or remove() (and thus included in the write concern):

    'OPERATIONS' : {'w' : 3},

Get a more fine-grained setup by introducing another layer to this dict:

    'OPERATIONS' : {
        'save' : {'w' : 3},
        'update' : {},
        'delete' : {'j' : True}


This operations map to the Django operations save, update and delete (not to MongoDB operations). This is because Django abstracts “insert vs. update” into save.

A full list of write concern flags may be found in the MongoDB documentation.